Conquer Cravings
Craving some sunshine?!
Have you struggled with food Cravings that don't go away? Welcome to the Newsletter!
We all have cravings from time to time and it is normal! If you experience mild, frequent or strong cravings - keep reading.
Reducing the sugar (carbohydrate containing foods) that you eat is a key step to reduce cravings. Sugar containing foods tend to be the exact ones we crave. Foods like pop, cookies, cake and white bread make the sugar in our blood go too high. Insulin is the hormone that brings this sugar back down. When Insulin gets overworked our body gets used to looking for sweets, making it hard for us to resist. My clients learn to find foods that satisfy without triggering cravings.
Recognize cravings for what they are - a CRAVING and not an actual need. Call it out to yourself. When you are NOT hungry the reason for craving food has nothing to do with nutrition. Pause and think about what led to the craving. Are you actually feeling another emotion (boredom, fatigue, stress, sadness)? What can you do instead of eating that will make you feel better? Without actual hunger the food eaten will not change what led up to the feeling! Move to a different space, do a project, or practice stress relief techniques (even a few deep breaths!) in place of eating.
It is common to crave foods that don't agree with us like dairy or gluten. Eliminating these foods is the solution. We can work together to find other foods that satisfy.
Summer is coming so keep your health a priority/1 I have openings for new clients.